Tag: Affordable Care Act

Health Insurance Costs Crushing Many People Who Don’t Get Federal Subsidies

These increasing costs plus rising deductibles and copayments have driven millions who don’t get a subsidy to drop their coverage or turn to cheaper, less comprehensive — and sometimes inadequate — insurance. Steven Findlay, KHN Like millions of Americans in this final week of open […]

Rising Healthcare Premiums, Higher Deductibles and Insurer Profits

Connecting our current healthcare insurance dots in three charts: Insurers are making bigger profits; deductibles are burning a hole in workers’ pockets; and annual family premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance averages nearly $20,000 a year. Insurers in the individual market performed better financially in the […]

Jackson Corbin, 13, Defends Preexisting Conditions Protections at U.S. Supreme Court Nominee Hearing

Jackson Corbin may not live to be an adult as he battles a rare disease, Noonan syndrome. But last week, at the Senate Judiciary hearings for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brent Kavanugh, the 13-year-old from Hanover, Pennsylvania, shamed those who believe that preexisting protections are government […]

Drug Trade Group Quietly Spends ‘Dark Money’ To Sway Policy And Voters

That stance, however, was at odds with its financial support of another group, the American Action Network, which was heavily involved in that effort to put an end to the ACA, often referred to as Obamacare, spending an estimated $10 million on an ad campaign […]

States Attacking ACA Would Suffer Most If Shield On Preexisting Conditions Were Axed

Plaintiffs in the lawsuit “are paying lip service to these critical protections for people, but they are in fact engaged in a strategy that would get rid of those protections,” said Justin Giovannelli, an associate research professor at Georgetown University’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms. […]

Video: Senator Slams Administration, Says Recent Decision Makes Mockery of Drug Price Campaign

At a U.S. Senate Health Committee hearing this week, a top administration official tried to say that the decision by the Department of Justice to undo health insurance protections for people with pre-existing conditions had nothing to do with the president’s campaign to rein in […]

Trump’s Latest Obamacare Attack Could Affect 52 Million Americans With Pre-Existing Conditions

52 million Americans  could be affected by the latest healthcare tripwire purposefully set off by the Trump administration, which is declining to support certain mandates that include protections for pre-existing conditions. In 2016, a Kaiser Family Foundation study estimated that 27 percent of adult Americans […]

Soaring Insurance Premiums Continue Unabated as Congress Clashes

Propping up the health insurance industry and protecting policyholders has been a fragile balancing act that usually results in increasing premium hikes for already struggling families. And it looks like it’s about to get worse. Senate and House Republicans on Monday released their latest plan […]