These increasing costs plus rising deductibles and copayments have driven millions who don’t get a subsidy to drop their coverage or turn to cheaper, less comprehensive — and sometimes inadequate — insurance. Steven Findlay, KHN Like millions of Americans in this final week of open […]
Tag: ACA
“In the long run, preventing diabetic complications not only saves lives, but it improves public health and saves public money,” said Dr. Michael Bush, an endocrinologist in Beverly Hills, Calif., and president of the California chapter of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. By Pauline […]
That stance, however, was at odds with its financial support of another group, the American Action Network, which was heavily involved in that effort to put an end to the ACA, often referred to as Obamacare, spending an estimated $10 million on an ad campaign […]
In a move that sounds reasonable, but will continue the catastrophic cutbacks to healthcare access, the Department of Labor released a new rule this week governing Association Health Plans, or AHPs. Small business can band together, allowing them to easily form groups based on geography or […]
52 million Americans could be affected by the latest healthcare tripwire purposefully set off by the Trump administration, which is declining to support certain mandates that include protections for pre-existing conditions. In 2016, a Kaiser Family Foundation study estimated that 27 percent of adult Americans […]