Select Committee on Health Care Delivery Systems and Universal Coverage Announces First Hearing in Series


JOINT PRESS RELEASE: Assemblymembers Jim Wood and Joaquin Arambula


CONTACT: Cathy Mudge


SACRAMENTO—Assemblymember Jim Wood (D-Healdsburg) and Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula (D-Fresno) announce the first in a series of hearings of the Select Committee on Health Care Delivery Systems and Universal Coverage to begin later this month, October 23-24 at the State Capitol.

“This committee is charged with identifying a pathway to healthcare for almost 40 million Californians; a pathway that we can propose to the full Legislature,” said Wood, who is a dentist. “I will do my best to identify those solutions that are comprehensive and sustainable, and that will ultimately provide affordable healthcare for all Californians.”

“As a doctor, I saw the challenges many Californians have in accessing good medical care,” said Arambula. “When I decided to run for office, I was convinced we could improve our state’s healthcare system and believe that California can and must do better for its residents. The committee is committed to finding workable solutions that will expand health care coverage and increase access to care and these hearings will help us better understand the complexities of our health care system.”

The first two days of hearings will bring in experts to provide an overview of California’s current health care system, including details on:

  • Who is and is not currently covered (Day 1)
  • Current coverage systems, including public programs, safety net providers and employer-based and individual market coverage (Day 1)
  • How current systems are financed (Day 1)
  • Versions of universal health coverage around the globe (Day 2)

An opportunity for public comment will be provided at the hearing on the second day.

Future hearings, planned for later this year and early next year, will look at topics that include:

  • Health care systems within U.S. cities and states, both proposed and in operation, and the challenges they have faced in achieving health care for all
  • Input from stakeholders on proposed universal coverage systems, including but not limited to ACA expansion, single payer and hybrid systems
  • Identified challenges to achieving health care for all in California and what must be done to address them

The select committee was created in March by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, with Wood and Arambula as co-chairs. Other committee members appointed include Assembly members Autumn Burke (D-Inglewood), David Chiu (D-San Francisco), Laura Friedman (D-Glendale), Tom Lackey (R-Palmdale) and Marie Waldron (R-Escondido).



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