Pro-Medicare for All Marchers Follow 2018 Rose Parade

Image by Damien Petty

Thanks to Damien Petty for headline image above!

The parade after the Rose Parade: About 200 march for universal health care


Excerpts only. Read complete article here

About 200 protesters marched down Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena on Monday at the conclusion of the Rose Parade in support of universal health care.

The marchers waved signs saying, “Medicare for all” and “Public health not corporate wealth” and sang songs emphasizing the need for a health care plan that will cover all Americans.

“What we’re saying is health care for all, rich, poor, and no matter what race you are,” said Sam Schwiner of North Hills, one of the marchers.

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The group marched with their children, spouses and fellow Green Party members, waving signs and hoisting a giant replica of Sanders with a papier-mache head.

Miguel Zuniga of Lomita, a national delegate for Sanders, said the march was peaceful, except for a few spectators who yelled profanities at them. One man wearing a black jacket grabbed his arm and tried to wrestle control of his wagon decorated as a mini ambulance, which contained his sleeping son.

Read complete article here


Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!