Opinion: Por qué los estudiantes de medicina exigen Medicare para todos

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“…la salud de nuestros pacientes esté determinada por su situación económica y no por su estado de salud.”



Opinion: Por qué los estudiantes de medicina exigen Medicare para todos



La Opinion. Jessica Osorio, Christian Pérez and Stephanie Navarro. June 14, 2019


Jessica Osorio, Christian Pérez and Stephanie Navarro are all medical students in Los Angeles, California. 

In this op-ed, they address how insurance coverage, or the lack thereof, impacts the delivery of care.

En lugar de preguntarnos “¿es este el mejor tratamiento?” preguntamos, “¿está cubierto este medicamento o tratamiento?”

Este no es el tipo de medicina que queremos practicar, o debemos tolerar, en una sociedad civilizada.


Jessica Osorio is a third-year MD/MPH student at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.  Christian Perez is a second-year medical student at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. Stephanie Navarro is a second-year MD/PhD student at the Keck School of Medicine of USC. All three are active members of Students for a National Health Program.



HEAL California’s Op-Ed project aims to elevate the voices of those seeking a healthcare system that works for everyone. 



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