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on America’s broken healthcare system.

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Denied: Behind America’s Deadly Healthcare System

    Featuring Wendell Potter, Dr. Barbara Goff, Dr. Anthony Cardillo and Rachel Madley: How does America’s corporate healthcare system delay and deny care to save money and increase profits? Host Brenda Gazzar explores how such denials impact patients and their doctors. How would things […]

How our healthcare system fails women — and what we can do about it

    Featuring Dr. Ana Malinow and Dr. Aleksandar Rajkovic: Women face unique challenges when it comes to accessing health care, whether it involves their reproductive health or caretaker burdens. Yet in many cases, the healthcare system fails them. When it comes to women’s needs, we’re calling Code […]

How to make health care more affordable 

    Featuring Harry Snyder and Dr. James G. Kahn: The cost of health care is a life and death issue for millions of Americans and the situation is worsening each year.  In this podcast we’ll explore why health care costs so much, and how Medicare […]

Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!