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on America’s broken healthcare system.

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The David & Goliath Fight for Medicare for All

        Featuring University of California San Francisco professor emeritus James G. Kahn, health economics expert, and Brenda Gazzar.   The David & Goliath Fight for Medicare for All   —– TRANSCRIPT —–   (10-second music)  Welcome to Code WACK!, your podcast on […]

America’s Racial Generation Gap & Healthcare Reform

          Featuring Sean Cavanaugh, campaign director for Whole Washington, discussing the racial generation gap in the healthcare reform movement, and what to do about it.    America’s Racial Generation Gap & Healthcare Reform   —– TRANSCRIPT —–   (10-second music)  Welcome […]

The fight for healthcare equity in Washington State

        Featuring Sean Cavanaugh, campaign director for Whole Washington, discussing healthcare inequity, its impact on Black Americans and SB 5204, the latest single payer bill in Washington State.    The fight for healthcare equity in Washington State   —– TRANSCRIPT —–   […]

Free to leave? Domestic abuse & health care

        Featuring Michele Hamilton, counselor at a domestic abuse shelter and board member of Health Care 4 All-PA, on how Medicare for All would change the dynamics for abuse survivors.   Free to leave? Domestic abuse & health care   —– TRANSCRIPT […]

How America’s broken healthcare system fails abuse survivors

        Featuring Michele Hamilton, counselor at a domestic abuse shelter and board member of Health Care 4 All-PA, on how the fragmented U.S. health insurance system fails abuse victims.      How America’s broken healthcare system fails abuse survivors   —– TRANSCRIPT […]

Battered by illness, medical bills in America’s South

      Featuring Eliska Hahn, a hardworking performance artist who developed multiple sclerosis while living in a state that did not accept the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion. What difficult choices did she face as she battled a devastating illness while trying to get […]

Any port in America’s healthcare storm?

          Featuring Eliska Hahn, a hardworking, highly talented voice artist, model and actor who ended up declaring medical bankruptcy at age 23. Does the desire for dignity, independence and healthcare security mean Americans must give up their dreams of working in creative […]

Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!