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on America’s broken healthcare system.

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When Having Health Insurance Doesn’t Help

            IN THIS EPISODE   Why is it that many Americans who have health insurance are still not able to get the care they need? How are health insurers increasing their profits at the expense of American families? To find […]

Punished for being poor? Battling medical debt in America

          IN THIS EPISODE   How is medical debt a racial justice issue, and what’s being done about it? What role does the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion play in reducing medical debt and keeping rural hospitals open? And what specific […]

A perfect storm: racism, chronic Illness & medical debt

          IN THIS EPISODE   Why are Black families disproportionately impacted by medical debt in America? How do inequities in housing access and safety, environmental pollution, and health care combine and intensify the vulnerability of disenfranchised communities?  And why have families […]

‘Safe Spaces.’ Health care and the LGBTQ community

              IN THIS EPISODE   What special health needs do LGBTQ communities have – and how well are they being addressed? What can our broken healthcare system learn from the retail industry about how to treat clients with unique […]

Behind the fight against corporate negligence

            IN THIS EPISODE   How does the struggle for healthcare justice intersect with the movement to protect consumers? How do regulations on corporations and their products benefit us all? Is putting profit above consumer safety really “good business?” What’s […]

The immigrant workers’ struggle for life and dignity

          IN THIS EPISODE   California has expanded the state’s Medicaid program to some undocumented immigrant workers, but not all. Who gets coverage, and who doesn’t? Is lack of insurance coverage the only issue immigrant workers face when it comes to […]

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