Medicare for All Fears & Facts

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“Medicare for all is a grand solution in a grand American tradition.”


Opinion: Medicare for all: fears and facts



The Hill. Drs. James G. Kahn and Elliot Marseille. August 14, 2019


In this op-ed, Drs. Kahn and Marseille take a close look at four “fears” about Medicare for All that were discussed in the second Democratic presidential debate which took place on July 30/31, 2019.  They go on to compare the Democratic candidates’ plans for healthcare reform.  


“Is Medicare for All “fairytale economics,” as former Rep. John Delaney said? It’s a system widely used in other countries — and works incredibly well. The real fairy tale is that we can still afford insurance middlemen taking a cut out of our health-care budget.”


James G. Kahn, M.D., is an emeritus professor of health policy at the University of California San Francisco. Dr. Elliot Marseille, DrPH, is CEO of Health Strategies International.




HEAL California’s Op-Ed project aims to elevate the voices of those seeking a healthcare system that works for everyone. 



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