Medicare for All: A voter’s cheat sheet

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“While it was heartening to see agreement on the principle of universal health care as a human right, the debate format eliminated any opportunity for nuance.”



Opinion: Medicare for All: A voter’s cheat sheet



The Hill. Drs. James G. Kahn & Elliot Marseille. July 17, 2019


In this op-ed, Drs. Kahn and Marseille clarify seven critical issues that were brought up in the June 26/27, 2019 Democratic presidential debates.  

While Medicare for all may sound complex, it boils down to this: Everyone would get comprehensive health coverage for less money than we’re spending now. Don’t let the confusing debate rhetoric fool you. It really is that simple. 


James G. Kahn, M.D., is an emeritus professor of health policy at the University of California San Francisco. Dr. Elliot Marseille, DrPH, is CEO of Health Strategies International. 



HEAL California’s Op-Ed project aims to elevate the voices of those seeking a healthcare system that works for everyone. 



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2 Responses to “Medicare for All: A voter’s cheat sheet”

  1. Avatar for Georgia Brewer

    I have lived in two countries that had universal health care and it was WONDERFUL. There was also a good feeling from them in knowing that they were taking care of each other – so different here. Most of the people in congress are certainly not poor and receive excellent health care as I understand throughout their lives. The countries where I lived did not have insurance companies which for us adds about 1/3 more to what we pay for. Universal health care is simply a governmental expense that people pay for like utilities. I also have seen stats that we are the only industrialized country that does not have health care for all.

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