Apparently the Affordable Care Act is a house of cards. A federal appeals court has ruled the mandate that Americans be insured – either by buying health insurance from private health insurers or by qualifying for public insurance – is unconstitutional. The mandate itself […]
An unconscionable lack of accountability in healthcare billing practices is impacting the cost of our health care. Yet policy solutions that specifically address these practices are nowhere to be seen. As a result, not only do patients have no real way of determining in […]
The week in healthcare reform Our Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system, with a special focus on Medicare for All and California. CMS Administrator Verma pushes policies that threaten coverage for […]
What you need to know about California’s Individual Healthcare Mandate, including potential financial penalties, available exemptions and possible financial assistance. — The HEAL Team Californians Without Health Insurance Will Pay A Penalty — Or Not Californians, be warned: A new state law could […]
A health insurance policy is a complex “contract of adhesion,” which means it’s drafted by the stronger party – the insurance company – to their own benefit. The weaker party (that would be YOU) has no opportunity to negotiate any of the terms of […]
The week in healthcare reform Our Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system, with a special focus on Medicare for All and California. Wendell Potter: “Incremental healthcare reform will guarantee rising costs […]
It’s a widespread myth that Americans are able to “shop” their health insurance plans and medical treatments to find “the best deal.” The reality is that the system itself is rife with opaque complexity that makes it impossible for a consumer to figure out […]
It’s simply incredible that an insurance company can consistently fail consumers and get away with it year after year. But what’s even more shocking is that in the face of such egregious mistreatment of patients, legislators and policy advocates will not even discuss Medicare for […]
The week in healthcare reform Our Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system, with a special focus on Medicare for All and California. Lack of adequate public health insurance system associated with […]