The week in healthcare reform Our Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system, with a special focus on Medicare for All and California. Happy Independence Day! It’s not about the […]
Surprise medical bills hit the people who can least afford them hardest. Even after passage of the CARES Act, which purportedly made coronavirus testing free, patients are still getting billed. And when it comes to finding a place to quarantine while waiting for […]
For decades police have been called upon to deal with much more than just crime, such as social welfare issues like drug overdoses, homelessness, domestic conflict and mental health crises. Sometimes the police instigate violence themselves, such as when peaceful protestors were recently […]
The week in healthcare reform Our Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system, with a special focus on Medicare for All and California. “What should have been done over a […]
Coronavirus-weary Californians are enthusiastically celebrating the re-opening of the state. Yet infection and hospitalization rates are sky-rocketing as people shun masks and other suggested protective measures like simply staying at home. No one wants to spoil the party with the news that we […]
To address the $54 billion state budget deficit in California that resulted from the coronavirus, Governor Newsom proposed major cuts to healthcare programs that help keep older adults and low-income residents in their homes and out of long-term care facilities. State legislators pushed […]
The week in healthcare reform Our Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system, with a special focus on Medicare for All and California. “…who is the health care system […]
What do librarians, tax assessors and airline reservation agents have in common? A skill set that includes breaking bad news to people, which just happens to be essential for contact tracing. —The HEAL Team California Hits Up Libraries and Tax Offices To […]
How has chronic underfunding of public health impacted our ability to respond to crises like COVID-19? Experts say we desperately need to build up our public heath infrastructure, but the politicians insist the funding is simply not there. This article points out that […]