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Pick Your 2016 Presidential Prescription for Health Care!

The election is almost here and it’s an extremely important one when it comes to health care. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, nobody gets to go through life without dealing with health care or health insurance (or both). So you’d better get informed before Election Day to make the best choice possible. Being undecided is simply not an option anymore!

Public Option? Another Red Herring

HEAL California thanks Don McCanne, MD, Senior Health Policy Fellow with Physicians for a National Health Program for granting us permission to repost his Quote of the Day from Sep 16, 2016 . A family physician in San Clemente, Dr. McCanne has written extensively on single […]

Prop 61: If You Vote Yes, Will It Really Hurt Vets?

Heartbreaking! You’ve seen the heartbreaking ads with older vets pleading with us not to vote for Prop 61 because if we do, they’ll have to choose between food and drugs. Do the people who support Prop 61 really want to price our nation’s vets out […]

Why Health Insurance Industry Consolidation is Bad for Your Health

 Wendell Potter, author, journalist and former corporate public relations executive, spent more than two decades in the health insurance industry, leaving in 2008 after a crisis of conscience.  You undoubtedly have heard that some of the country’s biggest health insurers have decided to leave several Obamacare markets, […]

Making bank off your pain: Step Therapy

Why people “love” their health insurance continues to baffle us. Because anyone who has actually had to use it for anything other than the most straightforward issue has certainly faced hassles. And we’re not talking about random “someone lost my paperwork” kinds of hassles…

“Pig” Pharma & Prop 61, The Drug Price Relief Act

  Panic over drug prices The panic over skyrocketing drug prices is growing exponentially. When it was mainly patients with rare diseases facing obscene price hikes for medicine, many Americans gritted their teeth and looked away, grateful it wasn’t their problem. But now “trickle down” […]

Commentary on Aetna, Mylan and market fundamentalism

The HEAL Team extends a warm welcome to guest blogger Ben Palmquist, Campaign Manager for National Economics and Social Rights Initiative (NESRI). Ben supports grassroots Healthcare Is a Human Right campaigns for statewide universal, publicly financed healthcare. He holds a Masters of Urban and Regional Planning […]

Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!