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Small Business Owners Agree: Healthcare Costs Are Killing Them

A growing number of small-business owners  say that controlling health care costs is a top priority, and it is the number one policy that they have contacted their elected officials about, a new study showed. According to the National Small Business Association’s annual Politics of […]

If you care about your health, be very concerned about Kavanaugh

  As the nation considers the very disturbing testimony presented to the Senate Judiciary Committee by Dr. Ford as well as Judge Kavanaugh’s angry response, it’s critical to remember that there have been many other concerns about Kavanaugh. By no means are we minimizing the […]

Insulin’s High Cost Leads To Deadly Rationing

“You have to pay the $7,600 out-of-pocket before your insurance is even going to kick in,” she recalled telling him. Alec decided going uninsured would be more manageable. Although there might have been cheaper alternatives for his insulin supply that Alec could have worked out […]

Advocates Sound the Alarm on Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh

As the US Senate Judiciary Committee begins hearings today on the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, advocacy groups representing the the most vulnerable among us, including seniors, the disenfranchised and women, urge extreme caution. And Senators are listening.  If, after reviewing these […]