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Weekly News Roundup for Jul 22, 2024

  New Code WACK! episode Find us on Apple podcasts, our website or your favorite podcast platform.     Penny Wise, Pound Foolish?How Our Long-TermCare Policies Fail Us Featuring Jodi Reid, California Alliance for Retired Americans       Breaking News in Healthcare Reform   […]

Weekly News Roundup for Jul 15, 2024

  New Code WACK! episode Find us on Apple podcasts, our website or your favorite podcast platform.     Should Health InsurersHave The Final Say About Your Care?   Featuring Arlene Stanich-PrinceOhlhoff Recovery Programs       Breaking News in Healthcare Reform   Snippets of […]

How to Find a Good, Well-Staffed Nursing Home

  “Few people want to go into a nursing home, but doing so can be the right choice if you or a loved one is physically or cognitively disabled or recovering from surgery.”     How to Find a Good, Well-Staffed Nursing Home   Unfortunately, […]

Weekly News Roundup for Jul 8, 2024

  New Code WACK! episode Find us on Apple podcasts, our website or your favorite podcast platform. Thanks to our devoted listeners, Code WACK! just ranked #23in Goodpods’ Top 100 Indie Documentary Monthly charts!       Is Addiction a Choice?New Perspectives onSubstance Use Disorder […]

Pain Doesn’t Belong on a Scale of Zero to 10

  “Over the past two years, a simple but baffling request has preceded most of my encounters with medical professionals: ‘Rate your pain on a scale of zero to 10.’”     Pain Doesn’t Belong on a Scale of Zero to 10   I trained […]

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