Op-Ed ProjectAmplifying the voices of under-represented experts and countering misconceptions around Medicare for All

Medicare for All Fears & Facts

“Medicare for all is a grand solution in a grand American tradition.”   Opinion: Medicare for all: fears and facts     The Hill. Drs. James G. Kahn and Elliot Marseille. August 14, 2019   In this op-ed, Drs. Kahn and Marseille take a close […]

Medicare for All: A voter’s cheat sheet

“While it was heartening to see agreement on the principle of universal health care as a human right, the debate format eliminated any opportunity for nuance.”     Opinion: Medicare for All: A voter’s cheat sheet     The Hill. Drs. James G. Kahn & […]

How Women Win with Medicare for All

“How many more mothers, daughters, and sisters will needlessly die under our healthcare system before we stand up and say enough is enough?”   Opinion: How Women Win with Medicare for All     Women’s E-News. Kirsten Magnuson & Dr. Ana Malinow. July 14, 2019 […]

Opinion: Pro-life? Try Medicare for All

“As a physician and a person of faith, I believe it’s time to rethink how we value life in America.”     Pro-Life? Try Medicare for All     The Hill. Dr. Paul Song. July 3, 2019   In this op-ed, Dr. Paul Song discusses […]

Opinion: Why Butte County needs Medicare-For-All more than ever

“Insurance premiums, deductibles and co-pays don’t magically disappear during disasters. But the money to pay them has to compete with the need to rebuild our lives from scratch.” — Opinion: Why Butte County needs Medicare-For-All more than ever By PAUL O’ROURKE-BABB | Chico Enterprise-Record | April 7, 2019 […]

Opinion: Why single-payer would improve California health care

“Single-payer is the poster child for benevolent and smart policy.”   Opinion: Why single-payer would improve California health care The Mercury News. Dr. James G. Kahn. April 2, 2019   In this op-ed, Dr. James G. Kahn, professor emeritus, UC San Francisco, and former president of […]

Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!