Jackson Corbin, 13, Defends Preexisting Conditions Protections at U.S. Supreme Court Nominee Hearing

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Jackson Corbin may not live to be an adult as he battles a rare disease, Noonan syndrome. But last week, at the Senate Judiciary hearings for Supreme Court nominee Judge Brent Kavanugh, the 13-year-old from Hanover, Pennsylvania, shamed those who believe that preexisting protections are government overreach. He said that without the healthcare coverage protections in the Affordable Care Act, he and others with preexisting conditions will get sicker and may die.

“I might be a kid, but I am still an American,” Jackson said. “We must have justices on the Supreme Court who will save the Affordable Care Act, safeguard preexisting conditions and protect our care.”

Here is his full testimony:


Unfortunately, the bottom line is that with 51 Republican senators, Judge Kavanaugh, despite his bias and a record that does not bode well for millions of Americans that need critical healthcare, will most likely land on the Supreme Court.

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