Is Aussie health care really better?

Young Australian woman and her dog relaxing
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How do some Australians, who have single-payer health care they call Medicare, view the American healthcare system? What do they think about the many people in America who need to have a job to get health insurance? Who set their wedding day with their health insurance in mind? Or who have health insurance but go bankrupt anyway, because it doesn’t cover all their medical bills?

To find out, we spoke to Australian Anna Candler, founder and CEO of The Circular Water Company. Through frequent visits to family in the U.S., Anna has gained firsthand insight into the stark differences between the Australian and American healthcare models. This is the second episode in a two-part series.





What about the American healthcare system has been a big surprise for you? 

“One of my nieces in America was 26 and dropping off her parents’ insurance and because of health issues, it was a decision to get married so that she could keep a certain medical insurance going. That doesn’t happen in Australia. Everybody’s covered.

“It was an interesting insight to realize that there was this issue between what happened at 26 and if you didn’t have a job and you had had some medical issues like asthma, nothing serious, but you needed a health cover because you couldn’t afford to do it and you’re going, not a decision that I would even contemplate, nobody in Australia would contemplate that, that you lose your, your health cover if you don’t have a job. That alone, you know, just takes a whole set of stress out.” – Anna Candler


Yes! Anything else?

“We will read about American health systems and, and realize that everything is tied to ‘what does your employer cover? ’So your employer, do they cover contraception? Do they cover this?’  …  I would hyperventilate if I had to sit and choose employers based on their healthcare coverage.” – Anna Candler


And is there more?

“…’pre-authorizations.’ Not a term in Australia. <Laugh> not a term. No. You go to a specialist, you go da da da, you don’t have to fight anybody. It’s a very simple process. Are you covered or are you not covered? End of question. Not [which]  pre-authorizations do you have to fight to have it covered?

“Yes. Lots of denials. What are the codes? I mean, I’ve listened to so many podcasts about, you know, how you do the codes and how you do this and what do you do and what is this? And doctors having to have people to fight insurance companies. . . “ Anna Candler


Helpful Links

International Comparison of Health Systems, KFF

Hospital costs and payments, Victoria State Government, Department of Health

Commentary: The Consequences of Private Involvement in Healthcare – The Australian Experience, Healthcare Policy/Politiques de Sante

Australian health insurers earn $1.3bn more in surplus than two years ago, report shows, The Guardian

U.S. ranks last in health care compared with nine other high-income countries, report finds, NBC NEWS

Australian healthcare satisfaction much greater than the US, Compare the Market



Episode Transcript


Read the full episode transcript



Biography: Anna Candler


Anna Candler,  through frequent visits to family in the United States, particularly in Maryland, has gained firsthand insight into the stark differences between the Australian and American healthcare models. 

Her personal experiences, including needing medical care while traveling in the US, have highlighted the disparities in cost and access between the two systems. 

As a passionate observer of global healthcare practices, Anna brings a fresh perspective to the debate about healthcare reform and universal access in the United States.

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