In Fine Print, HHS Appears To Ban All Surprise Billing During The Pandemic

99Club 4-20-2020

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After years of so-called “struggle” to eliminate surprise medical billing, it turns out it may have been easier to accomplish than anyone imagined. All it took was for Health & Human Services (HHS) to add a few lines to pandemic emergency legislation – called the CARES Act – requiring that doctors and hospitals bill every COVID-19 patient “in-network” rates. Then they defined EVERY patient as a “possible COVID-19” patient. Every profit-making gambit of the health insurance industry could be similarly eliminated with a stroke of the HHS pen. Why not ban provider networks altogether? Out-of-pocket costs? Exorbitant premiums?  The immediate question is, though, will this regulation on patient billing outlast the pandemic? — The HEAL Team



In Fine Print, HHS Appears To Ban All Surprise Billing During The Pandemic


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