How to Avoid the Penalty for Not Having Health Insurance
[fancy_heading h1=”1″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”line” title=”How to Avoid the Penalty for Not Having Health Insurance”]Plus a tool to estimate your penaltyand how we could make this craziness go away with Medicare for All!
[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=”#1. Buy health insurance.”]If you buy health insurance that includes the minimum essential coveragesrequired by the Affordable Care Act, you won’t be penalized. Here’s a link to Covered California to explore your options.[/fancy_heading]
[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=”#2. Qualify for an exemption”]If you qualify for an exemption to the Affordable Care Act, you won’t be penalized. Here’s a link to more information on exemptions.
[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=”#3. Have only one gap in coverage that lasts less than three months in a row.”]You are allowed a gap of two months, but must have coverage for at least one day of the third month to avoid a penalty. If you have more than one coverage gap, the exemption only applies to the first gap. If you have a gap of 3 months or more, you are not exempt for any of those months. Note! You will be treated as having coverage for a month as long as you have coverage for at least one day during that month.
[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=”How much are the penalties?”]The penaltiesare calculated based on many factors, including how long you were without coverage and your income. Here’s an Individual Shared Responsibility Payment Estimator but to be sure, consult with a qualified tax preparer. [/fancy_heading]
[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=”How can we get rid of penalties for not having health insurance?”]Easy! If we had Medicare for All, there wouldn’t be any penalties for not having health insurance. That’s because everybody would have health insurance automatically. Learn more here about Medicare for All. [/fancy_heading]
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