Amish stand in a row


[fancy_heading h1=”1″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”line” title=”Do you qualify for an exemption to buying health insurance?”]There are five main exemptions to the health insurance mandate. Honestly, HEAL California doesn’t want anyone to go without insurance. We support health care for everybody, not as a mandate but as a right. Until we win health care that puts people first, the HEAL Team will share information and resources, like this, to help you cope!


Amish stand in a row
[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=”#1. Income or affordability”]

If you make so little that you aren’t required to file a return, or if the least expensive coverage available to you would cost more than 8.05% of your income, you may be exempt. Use IRS Form 8965 to claim the exemption. Click here to learn more about exemptions.


[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=”#2. Hardship”]

If you suffered a hardship during the year, such as homelessness, eviction, foreclosure, domestic violence, natural disaster, etc., you may be exempt. Use IRS Form 8965 to claim the exemption. Click here to learn more about exemptions.


[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=”#3. Membership”]If you belong to a federally recognized Indian tribe, a healthcare-sharing ministry or a religious group that objects to all types of insurance (including Social Security and Medicare), you may be exempt. Use IRS Form 8965 to claim the exemption. Click here to learn more about exemptions.


[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=”#4. Legal Status”]

If you live abroad, are incarcerated, or are “unlawfully present” in the United States (i.e. undocumented), you may be exempt. Use IRS Form 8965 to claim the exemption. Click here to learn more about exemptions.


[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=”#5. Your state didn’t expand Medicaid”]

This exemption doesn’t apply to Californians, because our state cooperated with the Medicaid expansion. But if you have a low income and live in a state didn’t accept the Medicaid expansion, then you may be exempt. Use IRS Form 8965 to claim the exemption. Click here to learn more about exemptions.


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