Employer Provided Health Insurance

[fancy_heading h1=”1″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”line” title=”5 Ways Employer-Provided Health Insurance Sucks”]

and how Medicare for All would be much better


image of a stethoscope on top of some papers on a desk
[fancy_heading h1=”0″ style=”arrows” title=”#1. You can’t take it with you” icon=”icon-lamp”]When you change jobs or get laid off, you lose your company health insurance.

With Medicare for All, you can count on coverage whether you have a job or not.[/fancy_heading]

[fancy_heading h1=”0″ style=”arrows” title=”#2. You can’t choose the options offered” icon=”icon-lamp”]You may have a choice between policy plans, but you don’t get to decide whether your company will cover your family or not.

With Medicare for All, everybody would be covered.[/fancy_heading]

[fancy_heading h1=”0″ style=”arrows” title=”#3. When employers save money, employees pay more.” icon=”icon-lamp”]To cut costs, employers are purchasing high-deductible policies that cost you more when you go to the doctor.

With Medicare for All, high deductibles would be eliminated and the cost of insurance would be based on your income.[/fancy_heading]

[fancy_heading h1=”0″ style=”arrows” title=”#4. Your employer’s beliefs can limit your care.” icon=”icon-lamp”]Depending on your employer’s religion, you may end up with a plan that limits your choice of care.

With Medicare for All, your treatment needs are between you and your doctor. Period.[/fancy_heading]

[fancy_heading h1=”0″ style=”arrows” title=”#5. Your employer can’t cut great deals on your care.” icon=”icon-lamp”]With little transparency and no inside track, your employer’s success at negotiating with hospitals, drug companies, etc. is very limited.

With Medicare for All, the entire nation or state would be negotiating on your behalf.[/fancy_heading]

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