“Single-payer is the poster child for benevolent and smart policy.” Opinion: Why single-payer would improve California health care The Mercury News. Dr. James G. Kahn. April 2, 2019 In this op-ed, Dr. James G. Kahn, professor emeritus, UC San Francisco, and former president of […]
Category: Op-Ed Project
“All I can say is what a difference guaranteed health care makes. The peace of mind alone is worth it.” Opinion: Giving business a break with Medicare for all By BETTY DOUMAS TOTO | Los Angeles Daily News | March 22, 2019 After years of […]
“Today, we’re at the mercy of insurance and pharmaceutical companies that are more concerned with profiteering than your family’s health and well-being.” Opinion: Time to make health care a right with Medicare for all By BILL HONIGMAN, MD| Orange County Register | March 21, 2019 […]
“Everyone will have coverage regardless of health, wealth or employment status. Health insurance will be replaced by health assurance.” My Word: Medicare for All just what the doctor ordered Opinion by DR. CORINNE FRUGONI | Times Standard | March 16, 2019 “How on earth am I going […]
“(Medicare for All) would enable greater focus and funding for vital public health needs, such as syringe-exchange programs and even hand-washing stations in high-risk areas.” Opinion: Why San Diegans Desperately Need Medicare for All By Dr. Mikael Langner. Times of San Diego. March 13, 2019 Several years […]
“For too long, Americans have been stuck in a cycle of political theater that has kept millions locked in fear and uncertainty over losing access to affordable care.” Opinion: California, it’s time to get serious about single-payer health care East Bay Times. Andrew […]