Plaintiffs in the lawsuit “are paying lip service to these critical protections for people, but they are in fact engaged in a strategy that would get rid of those protections,” said Justin Giovannelli, an associate research professor at Georgetown University’s Center on Health Insurance Reforms. […]
Category: News Feed/Stories
“If there is any example of the dysfunction in the American pharmaceutical system, it is this case,” said James Krellenstein, a member of the AIDS advocacy group ACT UP New York. “We have the most effective tool for ending the HIV epidemic, and one reason […]
Successful campaigns will feature faces of the vulnerable with whom we can identify, bold and passionate action, and a movement-building strategy of nonviolent direct action campaigning. What the Parkland teens can teach Medicare for All campaigners By George Lakey / Waging Nonviolence / Op-Ed – July 11, 2018 Photo […]
Thanks to NurseTalk for this excellent podcast making a business and personal case for Expanded and Improved Medicare for All. Features Richard Master & Donna Smith
American hospital bills are today littered with multiplying fees, many of which don’t even exist in other countries: fees for blood draws, fees for checking the blood oxygen level with a skin probe, fees for putting on a cast, minute-by-minute fees for lying in the […]
The recent appointment of celebrity doctor Atul Gawande to head the Amazon/Buffet/JP Morgan healthcare plan, on a part-time basis no less, is just another sign that the delusion about market-based solutions for health care continues unabated. Apparently Dr. Gawande feels the job is simple enough to […]
Several proposals to make coverage more accessible and affordable for millions of Californians were left out of the state’s 2018-19 budget, dealing a sharp setback to Democratic lawmakers who fashion themselves as leaders of the resistance against federal retrenchment on health care. By Ana B. […]
In a move that sounds reasonable, but will continue the catastrophic cutbacks to healthcare access, the Department of Labor released a new rule this week governing Association Health Plans, or AHPs. Small business can band together, allowing them to easily form groups based on geography or […]