Category: News Feed/Stories

GOP’s Latest Campaign Punch On Health Care Relies On Classic Hook: Medicare

Fact-checkers have repeatedly challenged these claims. Health insurance analyst Linda Blumberg of the Urban Institute told PolitiFact that suggesting Medicare-for-all would disrupt current enrollees’ coverage is a “horrible mischaracterization of the proposal.” Glenn Kessler of The Washington Post’s “Fact Checker” column noted that a leading […]

Gavin Newsom Is Bullish On Single-Payer — Except When He’s Not

Newsom’s backing for government-run, universal coverage has often been similarly bold, but other times it has been more muted, prompting conservatives to call him too liberal and liberals to label him too skittish. That dichotomy is likely a reflection of the political challenges he will […]

Politicians Hop Aboard ‘Medicare-For-All’ Train, Destination Unknown

That gives politicians and voters a few years to decide what they mean and what they want when they say they support Medicare-for-all or single-payer health care. For now, it’s hard to read too much into promises. Elisabeth Rosenthal and Shefali Luthra, Kaiser Health News […]

Drugmakers Funnel Millions To Lawmakers; A Few Dozen Get $100,000-Plus

Since the beginning of last year, 34 lawmakers have each received more than $100,000 from pharmaceutical companies. Two of those — Reps. Greg Walden of Oregon, a key Republican committee chairman, and Kevin McCarthy of California, the House Republican majority leader — each received more […]

Rising Healthcare Premiums, Higher Deductibles and Insurer Profits

Connecting our current healthcare insurance dots in three charts: Insurers are making bigger profits; deductibles are burning a hole in workers’ pockets; and annual family premiums for employer-sponsored health insurance averages nearly $20,000 a year. Insurers in the individual market performed better financially in the […]