UPDATED! California Medicare for All Fight Set to Intensify in 2018

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Just looking at the first month of the year (January), it appears that 2018 promises to be another watershed year for the California Medicare for All Movement.


Beginning on January 1, 2018, a huge Healthcare for All action is being planned for the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade, which draws about a million in-person attendees and many millions of television viewers around the world.

Sponsoring organizations include Homeowners for Bernie, East L.A. For Bernie, Bernie Sanders Brigade, March And Rally Los Angeles, Healthy California (including many local Healthy California Campaign members, California For Progress, and Feel the Bern Democratic Club, Los Angeles.

Here is a statement from the organizational sponsors about the parade:

The healthcare crisis affecting most Americans is getting worse by the day and we will take the New Years Day event as a opportunity to reach the masses with the message of Healthcare for All. Southern California Grassroots organizations are planning HEALTHCARE FOR ALL March immediately following the official parade. Organizers for this event are excited for the opportunity to bring awareness and to gain support for this very important campaign.


Advance Rose Parade preparation includes a sign and banner-making event on Sunday, December 17 from 2 pm to 6 pm, hosted by Bernie’s Coffee Shop Volunteer Office, California Freedom Coalition Statewide, The People’s Rose Parade March, and the other sponsors of the parade action.


Next, the Healthy California Campaign coalition plans to host a SB 562 #FreeTheBill Day of Action in Sacramento, at a date to be determined.

The planners were advised at the Assembly Select Committee on Universal Health Care will schedule their third hearing in January, 2018, and they did not want to conflict with the hearing date. 

If you want to stay informed about the Day of Action, you can sign up here to receive notifications about it.


In addition to these events, beginning on January 6 and 7, 2018, the Healthy California Campaign working with Knock Every Door and community partners will keep the pressure on state legislators by kicking off a statewide canvassing action in targeted Assembly Districts. Phone banking opportunities are also being arranged.

If you want to host a canvassing event, sign up here

If you want to participate in phone banking, sign up here. 

These scheduled events in 2018 follow a tremendously active 2017, which saw the introduction of SB 562, The Healthy California Act, by Senators Ricardo Lara and Toni Atkins. The bill was sponsored by the California Nurses Association and supported by the Healthy California Campaign, a coalition of more than 400 organizations.

The bill, which passed the California State Senate, was shelved in late Spring 2017 by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, rather than moving it on to the Assembly Health Committee for further analysis and work.

Instead, the Speaker established a Select Committee for Universal Healthcare, which held two public hearings. His motivation, according to SB 562 supporters, was to stop the movement in its tracks.

The delay, however, only served to spur the movement on, as frightened Californians and the nation watched the Trump Administration attack the our signature safety net healthcare programs including Medicare, Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and the Affordable Care Act.

To remain up-to-date on the California Medicare for All Movement –

Get involved – join the Healthy California Campaign or one of its coalition partners such as Health Care for All – California, Business Alliance for a Healthy California, to name just two of the 400 organizations involved in the campaign.

Stay tuned to HEAL California and join our email list for news on the California Medicare for All Movement.