‘Becoming Our Authentic Selves:’ Obstacles to Gender-Affirming Health Care









This time on Code WACK!  At least 20 legislative bills targeting transgender medical care were pre-filed in at least nine states for 2023, according to The Hill. And last year, more than two dozen states sought to enact measures to ban or severely restrict access to gender-affirming healthcare for transgender youth. 

To learn more about the challenges transgender individuals face when seeking such treatments, we spoke to Jeffrey Rodriguez, the director of Community Health Programs at the Los Angeles LGBT Center. He’s worked there for over 12 years, mainly in sexual health and education.






How is the trans community reacting in states where their rights and protections are being challenged or taken away?


“I was at the Trans Wellness Center working one day and I picked up the phone there and I received a call from a young person in Texas who was asking me a lot of questions. They were in high school, but they were already making their plan to leave Texas to come to L.A. to start their transition because they knew they wouldn’t be able to do it in Texas.” – Jeffrey Rodriguez



Do most employer-provided health plans cover the costs associated with transition? Can you give an example?


“Starbucks. I know a lot of people that work for Starbucks and a lot of people that went through their transition with Starbucks as a company and as a company that supports that with insurance. If you work there…their insurance will cover it.” – Jeffrey Rodriguez



What would you say is a major need or trend in transgender care today?


“…as far as what the need is, it’s still culturally competent, you know, non-binary and trans male and female getting the culturally competent health care that they need is still a real big need. It’s still really a big need and so yeah, that’s the biggest trend. – Jeffrey Rodriguez



Helpful Links


Republican states aim to restrict transgender health care in first bills of 2023, PBS NewsHour


At least 7 states proposed anti-trans bills in first week of 2022, NBC News


Consumer Advisory: Gender-Affirming Care Insurance Coverage Guide Now Available, State of Colorado Department of Insurance


Texas lawmakers are going after gender-affirming care in 2023 session, Texas Public Radio


California Becomes First Sanctuary State for Transgender Youth Seeking Medical Care, KQED


Will California become a refuge for transgender health care?, CalMatters


Being uninsured poses unique health care challenges for the transgender community, Center for Health Journalism


California Pride: Medi-Cal Coverage of Gender-Affirming Care Has Come a Long Way, National Health Law Program


Inside an LA Housing Project That Is Helping Trans People Escape Homelessness, NBC Los Angeles


Survey Breaks Down Clinicians’ Views on Transgender Care, American Academy of Family Physicians

What do I need to know about trans health care?, Planned Parenthood



Episode Transcript


Read the full episode transcript



Biography: Jeffrey Rodriguez


Jeffrey Rodriguez is the director of Community Health Programs at the Los Angeles LGBT Center. He has worked at the center for the past twelve years. 

The main focus of his work has been sexual health and education for the LGBT Community, including HIV / STI testing and treatment, PEP / PrEP Services, linkage into primary care, mental health and substance use programs.



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