Although the travel industry still urges the public to fly, travel remains risky during the pandemic. Many of the factors that could mitigate the risk of infection are beyond the control of passengers. While cabin air is filtered on most commercial flights, […]
Author: Mark Wrede
Nonprofit, publicly-owned health insurance co-ops were added to the Affordable Care Act as a last-minute addition. They were intended to provide communities a competitive alternative to the private insurance marketplace, in lieu of a federal “public option.” Out of 23 co-ops established […]
The week in healthcare reform Our Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system, with a special focus on Medicare for All and California. — “Pandemic travel restrictions have made […]
While the statistics are encouraging, Los Angeles County remains a COVID-19 hotspot. Public health experts say it is still too soon to let down our guard. Widespread compliance with safe practices such as wearing a face covering, keeping a distance from other […]
America’s healthcare system holds the public health hostage to profit, and there is no more clear example of this than in the pharmaceutical industry and its closely held monopolies over insulin. If the state of California enters the generic drug market, it […]
The week in healthcare reform Our Weekly News Roundup brings you snippets of news and brief commentary on topics related to America’s failing healthcare system, with a special focus on Medicare for All and California. — “… our screwed-up health care […]
Having the fewest resources, young adults and entering the workforce and low-wage earners are the most vulnerable and the hardest hit. The pandemic has foreclosed upon the resources they need to reach to protect themselves and their families during the pandemic. — […]
Based his comments made during the Democratic convention, presidential candidate Joe Biden has a good understanding of how COVID-19 has impacted Americans, both with respect to their health but also their health insurance. Yet his proposed health policy solutions — lowering the […]