Breaking News in Healthcare Reform Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on health policy, Medicare for All & California _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Like Weekly News Roundup? Then you’ll love our popular podcast Code WACK! where we shine a light on […]
Author: Mark Wrede
“Private equity-backed firms have been attracted to emergency rooms in recent years because ERs are profitable and because they have been able to charge inflated amounts for out-of-network care — at least until a federal law cracked down on surprise billing.“ […]
“The collection practices are commonplace among all types of hospitals in all regions of the country, including public university systems, leading academic institutions, small community hospitals, for-profit chains, and nonprofit Catholic systems.” Hundreds of US Hospitals Sue Patients or Threaten Their […]
Breaking News in Healthcare Reform Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on health policy, Medicare for All & California _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Like Weekly News Roundup? Then you’ll love our popular podcast Code WACK! where we shine a light on […]
“…critics, including Public Citizen, say the PASTEUR Act offers the pharmaceutical industry what amounts to a windfall, without standards rigorous enough to ensure that new drugs are really safer and more effective than existing ones. … Opponents also argue that drugmakers already have […]
“Germany has long done something the U.S. does not: It strictly limits how much patients have to pay out of their own pockets for a trip to the doctor, the hospital or the pharmacy.” What Germany’s Coal Miners […]
Breaking News in Healthcare Reform Snippets of news & commentary with a special focus on health policy, Medicare for All & California _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Like Weekly News Roundup? Then you’ll love our popular podcast Code WACK! where we shine a light on […]
Hospital Financial Decisions Play a Role in the Critical Shortage of Pediatric Beds for RSV Patients
“The dire shortage of pediatric hospital beds plaguing the nation this fall is a byproduct of financial decisions made by hospitals over the past decade, as they shuttered children’s wards, which often operate in the red, and expanded the number of beds available […]