“California is legally bound to continue doing business with Walgreens through the state’s massive Medicaid program, health law experts said. And according to a public records request, the state paid Walgreens $1.5 billion last year.“ Gov. Newsom Wanted […]
Author: Mark Wrede
Action Alerts New Documentary American Hospitals:Healing a Broken System Produced by Fixithealthcare.com Click for screenings around the country (California screenings sponsored by Healthy California Now) ____________________________________________________ Breaking News in Healthcare Reform Snippets of news & […]
“The decision from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas could open the door for insurers or employers to reinstate copayments for some of those preventive services, although many may be reluctant or unable to do so, at least immediately.“ […]
“Rather than propose a comprehensive policy bill developed by a few single payer experts (an essential component of our work but an approach that has not succeeded politically after numerous attempts), SB 770 seeks to engage health justice supporters of all stripes to […]
Action Alerts Webinar Medically Necessary (Registration required) March 28, 2023, 2 pm EDT/11 am PDT Sponsored by ProPublica in partnership with The Capitol Forum ____________________________________________________ New Documentary American Hospitals:Healing a Broken System Produced by Fixithealthcare.com […]
“…the platform Sanders commands is essentially a bully pulpit. So Sanders was left to bully his way toward results….“By the end of the hearing, seeming to acknowledge the limits of his power, the former presidential candidate was pleading with Moderna chief executive Stéphane Bancel […]
“States are barred from using federal Medicaid dollars to pay directly for rent, but California’s governor is asking the administration of President Joe Biden, a fellow Democrat, to authorize a new program called ‘transitional rent,’ which would provide up to six months of rent […]
Action Alerts Webinar: Register Here (required) America’s Ongoing Public Health Emergency Thursday, March 23 9 pm ET, 8 pm CT, 7 pm MT, 6 pm PT Sponsored by PNHP Featuring Dr. Farzon Nahvi (PNHP NY Metro) Dr. Abdul El-Sayed (Former […]