“Regardless of income or insurance status, studies show, medical providers often dismiss Black women’s questions and concerns, minimize their physical complaints, and fail to offer appropriate care. By contrast, a study of 1.8 million hospital births spanning 23 years in Florida found that the gap in mortality […]
Author: Mark Wrede
“‘They take in premiums and don’t pay claims. That’s how they make money,’ said Linda Peeno, a health care consultant and retired Kentucky physician who was employed as a medical reviewer by Humana in the 1980s and later became a whistleblower. ‘They just delay […]
Action Alert Register here for Zoom Webinar “The Pathway to Single Payer Healthcare in California” August 24, 2023 at 5 pm PT Sponsors Courage Campaign, California Alliance for Retired Americans & Health Care for All-California _____________________________ Breaking News in Healthcare Reform […]
“Pharmaceutical manufacturers say high U.S. prices support research and development and point out that Americans tend to get new treatments first. But recent research has shown that the price of a drug is related neither to the amount of research and development required to bring it […]
“‘We’ve asked Kaiser Permanente management questions about the deal’s advantages to employees and customers, but we haven’t heard back,’ said Caroline Lucas, the executive director of the Coalition of Kaiser Permanente Unions, several of which are in contentious contract talks with the company. ‘Where […]
Action Alert Register here for Zoom Webinar “The Pathway to Single Payer Healthcare in California” August 24, 2023 at 5 pm PT Sponsors Courage Campaign, California Alliance for Retired Americans & Health Care for All-California _____________________________ Breaking News in Healthcare Reform […]
“After decades of unchecked mergers, health care is the land of giants, with one or two huge medical systems monopolizing care top to bottom in many cities, states, and even whole regions of the country. Reams of economic research show that the level of […]
“With tens of millions of Americans burdened by medical debt, hospitals and other medical providers are increasingly shuttling their patients into loans serviced by banks, credit cards, and other financial services companies.” What One Lending Company’s Hospital Contracts Reveal About Financing […]