Author: Heal California

Video: Robert Reich on Tax Cuts And Skyrocketing Drug Prices

Pharmaceutical companies are using their savings from recent corporate tax cuts to buy back shares of their own stock, enriching executives and wealthy investors as prescription drug prices continue to skyrocket, says Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor. “It’s a two part scam,” he said. […]

A Tale Of Two CT Scanners — One Richer, One Poorer

Research shows hospital consolidation has been driving prices higher and higher in recent years. And because more and more people have high-deductible insurance plans, they’re more likely to be on the hook for huge bills, like paying 33 times more for the same test.  Alison Kodjak, […]

Drug Companies Enjoy Excessive Profits While Seniors Financially Drained, Study Shows

Seniors are getting financially drained by excessive prescription drug price increases, and a congressional report released this week shows that the situation is unlikely to change anytime soon without fundamental change. The report, “Manufactured Crisis: How devastating drug price increases are harming America’s seniors,” exposed […]