Author: Heal California

Top Stories: Winning Medicare for All Elections, Losing on Generics and Germans Beat U.S. (In Healthcare)

In our top stories this week, we have a generic drug pricing scam, Germany beating the U.S. (and not in soccer) and a growing number of primary elections focused on candidates supporting Medicare for All. In a related article, doctor burnout because of uninsured patients […]

Drugmakers Blamed For Blocking Generics Have Jacked Up Prices And Cost U.S. Billions

By delaying development of generics, drugmakers can maintain their monopolies and keep prices high. Most of the drugs cost Medicare Part D more in 2016 than they did in 2012, for an average spending increase of about 60 percent more per unit. This excludes drugs […]

Single-Payer Issue Drives Dollars Into Gubernatorial Campaign

The California Nurses Association union and Blue Shield of California each have contributed about $1 million to independent committees that support Newsom. The powerful nurses union strongly supports single-payer health care, while that model of health care delivery could pose an existential threat to insurer […]

Doctors Educating Doctors Key to a Single-Payer System, Says Advocate Dr. Hank Abrons

Get to know Dr. Hank Abrons, our latest unsung hero of healthcare reform! This project of HEAL California highlights the hard work and dedication of individuals who are working – often in the background – to win Medicare-for-All in California and the nation. With more […]

Doctors from U.S. and Canada Unveil Sweeping Prescription Drug Industry Reform Proposal

A group of doctors from the U.S. and Canada proposed this week pharmaceutical reforms that would slash costs, improve access and increase safety of prescription medications in both nations. The group, Physicians for a National Health Program, released the proposal, “Healing an ailing pharmaceutical system: […]