Author: Ed Barrera

National Save Money On Your Meds Week

In the bizarro profiteering world of the pharmaceutical industry, a  40-year-old cancer drug can increase in price by 1,400 percent in five years, and drug companies can spread the wealth around by funding new friends, with hundreds of millions of dollars finding their way to patient […]

Drug Companies Enjoy Excessive Profits While Seniors Financially Drained, Study Shows

Seniors are getting financially drained by excessive prescription drug price increases, and a congressional report released this week shows that the situation is unlikely to change anytime soon without fundamental change. The report, “Manufactured Crisis: How devastating drug price increases are harming America’s seniors,” exposed […]

California Takes On Health Giant Over High Costs

This high-profile legal fight caught the attention of employers and policymakers across the country amid growing alarm about the financial implications of industry consolidation. Large health systems are gaining market clout and the ability to raise prices by acquiring more hospitals, outpatient surgery centers and […]

Thank you for taking action in support of Medicare for All Californians. Together we will win!