Author: Brenda Gazzar

The Health Equity X-Factor?

    Featuring Michael Lighty, founding fellow of the Sanders Institute and former healthcare constituency director for Bernie 2020: Will “a little bit of this and a little bit of that” solve America’s healthcare problems? Is COVID-19 a game-changer in the fight for single-payer? In […]

PPE, Paper Bags & A Pandemic

    Featuring Rose Roach, executive director of the Minnesota Nurses Association: How are some hospitals conserving personal protective equipment? (Hint: In ways that would be unthinkable before the pandemic.) And who’s ultimately responsible for assuring sufficient PPE supplies? Code WACK! host Brenda Gazzar and […]

Nurses, Racism & Black Lives Matter Protests

  Featuring Rose Roach, executive director of the Minnesota Nurses Association:  How are nurses of color impacted by racism, both on the job and in the streets? Could using weapons of war against protesters increase the spread of coronavirus? Code WACK! host Brenda Gazzar and […]

Health Care & The Politics of Black Vulnerability

  Featuring Janel Bailey, Co-Executive Director of Organizing & Programs of Los Angeles Black Worker Center:  How do U.S. policies intensify the vulnerability of Black communities, including during pandemics? What caused the historical distrust between the Black community and the American healthcare system? Code WACK! host Brenda Gazzar […]