Featuring Eliska Hahn, a hardworking, highly talented voice artist, model and actor who ended up declaring medical bankruptcy at age 23. Does the desire for dignity, independence and healthcare security mean Americans must give up their dreams of working in creative […]
Author: Brenda Gazzar
A second podcast featuring Dr. Nina Harawa, PhD, MPH, a professor-in-residence at the UCLA School of Medicine. Today she breaks down for us why incarcerated people are experiencing such devastating coronavirus outbreaks. How do the day-to-day realities of life in prisons […]
Featuring Dr. Nina Harawa, PhD, MPH, a professor-in-residence at the UCLA School of Medicine where she has conducted innovative research with populations including HIV positive and high-risk African American men, sexually active African American and Latina women, transgender women and the […]
Featuring Dr. Rob Davidson, practicing emergency room doctor and head of Committee to Protect Medicare. How can we overcome vaccine hesitancy among Americans? Why do some communities have serious concerns around seeking medical care? Host Brenda Gazzar and Dr. Rob Davidson, discuss […]
Featuring Dr. Rob Davidson, practicing emergency room doctor and head of Committee to Protect Medicare. Why is it that an advanced nation like the U.S. has experienced over 2 million COVID-19 infections? How have factors like the lack of a coordinated federal […]
Featuring Dr. Susan Rogers, new president of Physicians for a National Health Program. Dr. Rogers is recently retired from Stroger Hospital of Cook County, Illinois, but continues as a volunteer attending hospitalist and internist there. She is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at […]
Featuring Dr. Susan Rogers, new president of Physicians for a National Health Program. Dr. Rogers is recently retired from Stroger Hospital of Cook County, Illinois, but continues as a volunteer attending hospitalist and internist there. She is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at […]
Featuring Michael Lighty, a founding Fellow of the Sanders Institute, who has organized, advocated and developed policy for single-payer Medicare for All nationally and in California for nearly three decades. Most recently, he was the healthcare constituency director for Bernie 2020. Listen […]