[fancy_heading h1=”1″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”line” title=”3 Signs That Your Health Insurer is Evil”]What makes a health insurance company good or evil? How can you tell? It’s easy! [/fancy_heading]
[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=”Love your health insurance? What’s so good about it?”]Remember, just because you’re lucky and never had to use your health insurance doesn’t mean it’s good. Just because it paid your claims doesn’t mean it’s good. Paying claims is what it’s supposed to do. In fact, we should be expecting more – much more – from the private health insurance industry because we are paying it billions of dollars to process paperwork. Here are 3 signs that your health insurer is a giant pile of crap.[/fancy_heading]
[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=”1.) Your health insurer is raking in billions in tax dollars, but decides to walk away from the Exchanges.”]For example, in second quarter 2016 Aetna’s operating earnings increased 8.5% to $783.3 million. How? In large part by being paid our tax dollars to manage Medicare and Medicaid business! According to Wendell Potter, solutions journalist, insurance industry whistleblower and HEAL’s newest contributor, “…Uncle Sam has the Medicare and Medicaid faucets wide open and flowing straight into the insurers’ bank accounts…” Yet Aetna, UnitedHealth and others want to “cherry-pick” by refusing to insure people on the Exchanges. That’s crappy. [/fancy_heading]
[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=” 2.) Your health insurance company is buying other companies with the vast pile of money they didn’t spend on your health care. “]For example, in 2015, Anthem began a process to buy Cigna for $54 billion. Hopefully the Dept of Justice will put the kibosh on it. But $54 billion is how much Smaug, the firedrake from The Hobbit, had stashed away in the Lonely Mountain. Piles and piles of gold to be spent on mergers, acquisitions and golden parachutes instead of health care. Meanwhile, Covered California premiums are going up over 13% in 2017. That’s really crappy. [/fancy_heading]
[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=”3.) Your health insurer’s name is Aetna, Anthem, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, Cigna, Humana, Kaiser, or UnitedHealth. “]In 2015 these health insurers ranked the lowest in customer satisfaction according to The Fiscal Times. The 2015 lowest of the low was Cigna, the same insurer that denied a liver transplant (see Youtube video) to 17-year old Natalie Sarkisyan of Glendale, California in 2007. As a result of their delays, Natalie died before she could get the transplant. In this case, “crappy” doesn’t even come close. . . [/fancy_heading]
[fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-lamp” style=”arrows” title=”If you think you love your health insurer, think again.”]The only thing private health insurers are really good at is making us think they’re good. With the premiums we pay them for health care, they hire the best PR teams on Earth to make it look like they care about us, and to fool us into voting against regulating them. The Affordable Care Act reined them in a little, but also reinforced their position as “too big to fail” parasites in our healthcare system. We don’t need them at all. What we do need is Improved Expanded Medicare for All![/fancy_heading]
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